Every job requires specialized tools and equipment. Regardless of one’s expertise and skill, it is rarely possible to approach and perform the required quality without complete equipment. It has happened to everyone that, throughout their lives, they meet irresponsible people who have contracted a job and did not have adequate means to work. It is always frustrating and a source of various inconveniences. People with highly professional criteria differ from others, precisely in that they have planned every phase and every detail of work.
Performing certain works is more demanding than others. If the work takes place at height, at great depths, in difficult conditions, inaccessible terrain… then it is necessary to have adequate equipment, otherwise the whole task will remain unfinished.
Work at height is especially risky. Construction sites, work on power cables, roofs, pruning tall trees, washing windows on solitaires… all these are jobs where it is necessary to have both skilled workers and appropriate equipment.
Work at height is one where the worker is positioned at least three or more meters. With protective equipment for each individual (helmet, clothes, shoes, bindings, connectors …), it is not possible to start with the planned work until access equipment is provided.
What is access equipment?
They belong to this specialized equipment
– telescopic forklifts, used for lifting and lowering loads
– trucks with baskets for work at height
– self-propelled cranes (articulated, scissor lifts, vertical platforms, push machines ..)
All this wide range of access equipment is specially designed and constructed to position workers, goods and accompanying tools at heights up to 43m. The performance of each of these pieces of equipment is impressive. Each of them provides efficient access to hard-to-reach places, where interventions or construction are needed.
Is it more cost effective to buy or rent access equipment?

This topic is always present, with every contractor at heights. Definitely, there are reasons that speak in favor of both options. An individual approach to this dilemma is the most important and a detailed analysis of your needs and possibilities is necessary. There is no universal answer, but there are facts you need to consider.
Reasons in favor of buying access equipment:
1. You own it permanently
Having such significant equipment at your disposal is a great thing for everyone’s business. This means that you have been able to invest large sums of money and that you are rational in projecting a stable business in the long run. Although the amount for the purchase of access equipment is significant, you are able to contract various types of work immediately and have your company available immediately. This gives you a significant advantage over the competition, which does not have such equipment and has yet to deal with the issue of rent, deadlines and prices. You can even opt for used machinery, if you want to buy, but don’t want to spend fortune. You can get more information on used machinery if you click here.
2. Forming the price of own service
Expensive and monumental access equipment is certainly an investment in the long run. You will probably have to take out a loan to finance such an investment. Although in the beginning, it seems more expensive, more complicated and longer, you will still have many benefits, globally. One of the important items is the formation of the price when offering to one of the clients. If you have your own equipment, you are independent and do not depend on anyone, you can form a better price and thus break into the top, compared to the competition. You can provide certain discounts and thus meet the needs of the client. This, of course, cannot go unnoticed in the market, in business circles that are closely related to your business.
3. Instant availability

For contracting jobs, it is very important to know that you have your own resources at your disposal and that you do not depend on others. Of course, machines and equipment are operated by people and they are a significant factor, so you need to hire a professional and efficient team. But your means of working are available to you at all times and you can count on them. Even if you are already engaged in a job, you will still know approximately when you could start new projects. This way you will not make promises to the client, which you are not able to fulfill, someone will follow you with the characteristics of a credible business partner.
4. Service of access equipment
These are complex construction machines and devices that require timely and adequate servicing. If you are the owner and your company performs regular inspections, repairs, all kinds of replacement of parts and lubrication, work control, then you can be sure of the safety of work and workers. It is inadmissible to neglect this aspect, because it concerns human lives, as well as the quality of the work itself. So, you have an insight into the condition of the equipment and no one can plant anything wrong with you, which could have far-reaching consequences.
Reasons in favor of renting access equipment
1. Less investment
As we know, access equipment costs a lot, even if you do not buy new equipment, but used. It is a huge investment and should benefit you in the future. However, the question arises of a possible reduced workload or even a complete interruption. Maybe you will have another, interesting opportunity and you will want to change your business. Then you run into a problem because you have expensive equipment (which you may not have paid for yet).
2. Warehouse

All these pieces of equipment are individually bulky and oversized. There must be a place where they will be parked and preserved during the period of inactivity. Whoever cannot provide such a hall, would have to rent it for a long time. When the final budget is made and the expenses and income that go with this topic are taken into account, then it can only be decided which option you are ready for.
3. Servicing
This is a big item and requires the engagement of people and resources. If you are not able to finance servicing on a regular basis, then it is better to rent equipment than to buy it. This way you will be relieved of these worries and you will have machines at your disposal when you need them, and someone else will take care of them.
4. Flexibility in business
When you depend on other people’s terms and services, you must be aware that your work will sometimes stagnate or be delayed. But with good organization and efficient people who hire Access equipment, you can also work fast and well. It is important not to promise the impossible to the client and to be ready for various situations. However, there are a huge number of companies on the market that rent all types of access equipment, monitor progress in this area and regularly update their offer. Whatever you buy, you can never have it all, or keep up with progress. If you decide to rent instead of buying, you can be very competitive in the market and always have the best solution for your current job.

The decision on the pros and cons of buying or renting access equipment is individual. Everyone will analyze and design the business of their company, take into account economic opportunities, consult with financial experts and consider the investment. Some will decide to buy more equipment, some less, and some will rent. It is a matter of general attitude towards business, and current opportunities. It is important not to take reckless steps and not to get into trouble. If you currently opt for one option, it doesn’t have to be permanent. It is possible that circumstances will change and that, after a certain time, you will move on to another. In any case, everyone decides for themselves And no option is a priori bad or good.